Onwards and Upwards or back to the start

Currently I spend much time thinking about how life is cyclical and how the problems I face now I have faced in the past. Currently this is showing up in two ways, in my personal life with the struggle between being a good friend and honest to myself, and in my professional life where imposter…

Another day, another diagnosis

So, there is a sentiment I see with disabled friends that eventually you gain a whole alphabet of letters. And it’s a feeling I resonate with. It comes with a “here we go again” feeling. However, each new diagnosis isn’t easier than the last. Each is a fight, and it can feel like you’re playing…

The future is bright?

This blog post was started back in March 2022 when I was looking to finish the break from this blog. The next two paragraphs are from then and as I’m getting ready to publish it I felt it needed a reflection from now to close it out. March is always a weird month for me,…

Scottish summit

I feel like everyone who was gonna publish one of these already has but oh well, I’m not very good at being on time for anything. Scottish Summit was only the second time I have spoken in person at a big event. But it truly felt like family. Very rarely have I found spaces where…

My journey with pronouns

Content warning: Transphobia Pronouns, everyone has them and yet they are still such a heartache. At the top of this I just want to say if I know you personally and you see your actions described, don’t worry, I am moving on. The wounds caused over the last two years due to purposefully misgendering are not…

This is not a blog post

So you’ve read the title, and you might be confused because this is going to read similarly to the other posts from previous months. As I’m writing this, I am staring blankly at an essay on topic I don’t really care about, that I’m struggling to write. I also only have about 20 minutes to…

What is Dyspraxia?

What is dyspraxia? Dyspraxia or developmental coordination disorder is a developmental condition that often gets included among the specific learning differences. Dyspraxia is a bit of a weird one in that group, though that is often characterised by dyslexia, the most often known specific learning difference. Until recently I would have told you dyspraxia is…


What is it like to have a panic attack? This is a question I’m never asked but I see the curiosity in peoples eyes when they come up. Having had panic attacks for nearly a decade, I thought it would be interesting to share what its like to have one.

Is Dyslexia a disability?

This week I have been doing the Microsoft Accessibility learning pathway, and something bugged me in it, they call dyslexia a disability. Now, whenever I in the past have talked about disability it always felt like I wasn’t talking about it as an outsider, but I would have never said I was disabled. Maybe in…

How are you? I’ve been better. I’ve been worse.

“I’ve been worse.” These words so often come out of my mouth when I have had a tough week or have been overwhelmed by a whole load of small issues. Almost a decade of mental health problems tends to shape an outlook where my okay can look 100 times worse than other people’s normal. So,…


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